Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Upcoming stuff

I know I have been OL heavy but I think it can't be stressed enough how much we need to see improvement there.

That said here are some other things I will try and get done over the next 5-7 days before I head out of town for a conference.

I still need to defensive versions of returning and newcomers to watch and I will do a Lagniappe version since there are a couple guys that want to talk about and a couple things that need to be watched heading into August 2013.

Please feel free to comment or pass along. Don't forget to go back and read from the very beginning of this thing back in January until the present. 

Spring Newcomers Edition: Offensive players to watch for in 2013

What will these guys do in 2013?

I don't know and by listing them here I am not advocating that they will have big years but they are guys that intrigue me. I am interested in seeing if they continue to be solid or will they have all conference or even better seasons.

I started this post about 3 different times but it kept becoming something different than what I wanted it or thought it should be.

In this series I am forcing myself to list five returning guys (offense here /defense), three new guys (offense/defense) and a little lagniappe. I will list a couple guys that seem to be established already but I want to mainly focus on guys we have not heard much about or guys that did not have good years last year.

There are so many more guy that intrigue that I want to discuss but here we go:

1. Well let's get the obvious out of the way - Nick Montana. This is not a knock on Devin Powell or a lack of confidence in Tanner Lee but it is just the truth - everyone will be watching and expecting Montana to lead this team next season. Regardless of his name he was a big winner in high school and highly recruited. Plenty of famous kids play college sports and don't pick up the amount of offers that Nick had and you don't get ranked as a top 50 player in the entire country by every recruiting service because of who your dad is. For whatever reasons it didn't work the first time around while at UWash but Nick showed again at Mt. San Antonio JC why he was heavily recruited - he is a winner. The name Montana aside he is the only QB we will have that has a decent amount of post high school experience and that is why people are watching so closely. I have said this to the people I talk to and I will put it on the record here - Nick Montana needs only to be as good as Ryan Griffin was last year for this team to win 7-10 games ---- contingent on the offensive line being better. It seemed as though they were able to figure out something in pass protection as the season went on but we still could not run the ball. If we can run the ball and Nick can play at an equal level to Ryan Griffin did last year I feel we can easily win enough games to go to bowl. Nick will have to be every bit as good as his high school expectations if we can't find a running game. I hope Nick can be that good and we find a running because that means we are "in the money" and about to win big! Montana has a live ball, is accurate and he is pretty damn athletic. I think he gets better over the off season when he can have time to really gel with his skilled guys doing 7x7's and running the route packages over and over and over. I think people underestimate what familiarity and repetition does for a group. I think Nick wins the starting spot based on the experience he has but no matter who wins the spot it really does not mean much if we can't run the ball.

That leads me to #2 and #3. At first I had OL Chris Taylor at #2 and OL Kenneth Santa Marina at #3 but since I cheated on the offensive category why not cheat again here. My #2 and #3 comes back to what I feel was the biggest weakness on the team last year - The OL. When you average 39.6 yards per game, only 3TDs all season and have 475 net total rushing yards how can this group not get the most scrutiny? Even if you take the total rushing yards at 845 that is still not close to acceptable in my opinion.

Before I go on I will just say that I originally went with Taylor and KSM because I feel Taylor looks on film to be the guy most physically ready to come in and play. He is strong, can stay low and most importantly he plays like a nasty SOB based on his high school film. Please put me next to that guy if we are backed into a corner because I know he is getting out. After what some people called "being hard" on KSM in my breakdown of the 2013 signing class I wanted to make it clear that I am hardest on him because I think he has the most expectation of the group coming from the fans and he has the most potential upside also. The big fella can red shirt which is perfectly fine or he can come in and live up to the hype which would be an enormous boost to the program for next year. I just think it is really hard to live up to the hype when you are on the OL or DL, especially early on and sometimes when kids don't live up to it there is a mental hit they take and it takes time to recover from it sometimes. Not all the time but sometimes. I think I am the hardest on big KSM because I feel I know what I am getting with the other three guys but he is still the rawest one of the bunch, the one with the least amount of experience and the one that has the most to live up to. That is a ton of pressure by itself not to mention that everyone that remotely follows The Wave has heavy expectations from one of the most prized recruits in this class.

I am no longer just going to single out Taylor and KSM though. It is on all of their shoulders. Yep, right or wrong the pressure is on all of these guys - Chris Taylor, Brandon Godfrey, Kenneth Santa Marina and Jason Stewart. Not taking into account anything that the returning guys can do to improve this off-season - I expect that we will need two of these guys to step in and play big minutes immediately. Whether or not they are capable of that is up to them but what I am saying is that based on what I have seen, the facts, the film that we have - this team needs two of these guys to be immediate studs  if we are to drastically improve the running game. Zach Morgan coming back should be a huge boost but I just don't think Morgan alone can bring enough Hot Piss for everyone. Out this group of rookies two need to be great right away and it would be nice if the other two were really good right away so it would light an even bigger fire under the older guys to find "it" inside of them or move on. I say all this but trust me - I would love nothing more in this world than to have all the returning guys prove most of us wrong and we then red shirt some of these rookies. I am not wishing for any of these rookies to come in and be someone we are depending upon - it is a mans world in the trenches and if you are not ready to go in there it could take awhile to recover those bruised egos.

I have gone on and on about the OL, that comes from being a former OL but also because the proof is in the pudding as they say (I think) - this is the one area that going into last year was a question and if anything the picture only became more unclear for me rather than coming into focus since last August.

I will say it again, I believe this seasons outcome will be directly tied back to the OL and how they perform. I am even going to say that I don't care what the defense does this season - if the OL can be solid they will carry this team to the post season. People will soon forget about the 2013 season or it can be one where legends are born but it starts right there up front with the Big Sexys!

Sidenote: Hot Piss was a term used by former Tulane OL Coach Ron West under Bowden. He would use it in a sentence like "Get your piss hot" meaning - get fired up, be aggressive, get upset, go kill someone! If you were practicing/playing soft (ie not getting the job done) you were thought to have Cold Piss.

New offer out

TE Anthony Jones of Karr HS, New Orleans, LA.
Various services have him with Louisville, Texas, ULM and Tulane offers so far.




Monday, February 25, 2013

New offer - Destrehan QB Donovan Isom

As I reported ( http://tulanefootballtalk.blogspot.com/2013/02/saturday-022313-540pm.html ), Isom was in attendance this weekend to watch practice. He also attended one of the Tulane football camps last summer and was outstanding. FWIW, Isom and Gibson attended camp the same day and Tanner Lee was there also. Isom and Lee spent a great amount of time talking at practice on Saturday.

It appears as if The Wave finally pulled the trigger and gave Isom his first (of many) offers.

  1. Destrehan 2014 QB Donovan Isom reports 1st offer from Tulane. He impressed at camp last summer.

    Added on edit at 7:05pm

    Mike Coppage also reports that The Wave has also offered Isom's teammate LB RaeJuan Marbley.

Spring Edition: Offensive players to watch for in 2013

What will these guys do in 2013?

I don't know and by listing them here I am not advocating that they will have big years but they are guys that intrigue me. I am interested in seeing if they continue to be solid or will they have all conference or even better seasons.

I started this post about 3 different times but it kept becoming something different than what I wanted it or thought it should be.

In this series I am forcing myself to list five returning guys (offense/defense), three new guys (offense/defense) and a little lagniappe. I will list a couple guys that seem to be established already but I want to mainly focus on guys we have not heard much about or guys that did not have good years last year.

There are so many more guy that intrigue that I want to discuss but here we go:


1. The OL. Yes, I am starting this limitation of five off with listing an entire group and cheating the system which I created - my blog, my rules :-) . Frankly I believe that the entire 2013 season outcome lands on these guys backs. No pressure guys. As I started to think about position breakdowns, emerging stars, etc etc etc it all kept coming back to one thing - If this group does not perform better than they did last year (especially in the run game) then it does not matter if Darkwa stays healthy, Badie becomes a star, who wins the QB battle or whether or not the TEs will catch more balls than they drop. None of that other stuff means squat if this group does not get better. In my opinion there are five open spots on the line, a true open race to start if there ever was one in sports. I need to make this very clear, it is not about who emerges as the starters - it is about who gets better. If everyone stays the same as they were last year then does it matter if those guys are listed as the starter? If you are not getting better in sports you are actually getting worse because someone else is getting better and creating a larger gap. Even if the new frosh coming in are really good guess what - they are still true frosh and that comes with growing pains. I expect a couple rookies to make an impact here in year one but in a perfect world they should not be coming in being expected to save the season. We have a large group of guys returning that now have game experience and now they know how much harder it is out there in the trenches so this off season should be an all our grind in the weight room and getting their technique/communication down. Sorry big fellas, to be honest nobody ever notices when you do a great job and nobody outside of that group cares. It is the nature of the position and 2013 will be as great or as bad of a season as this group decides they want to be. I am predicting a 7 win minimum and up to 10 wins as the high so for as much stuff as I just talked, I fully expect these guys to grow up this off season and knowing that major competition is coming in the Fall will help that process. That is what I am hoping for anyways.

2. Staying on this theme how could anyone not list Zach Morgan here. You are bringing back a starter, experience and a pissed off mentality that seemed to be lacking out of this group last year. Even if Morgan is not great and just good, he brings a toughness and confidence to the group that needs to be inflicted. He is one of the more vocal and passionate guys on the team and if healthy he should bring some much needed leadership to this group (fingers crossed). If Morgan is as pissed off and happy to be back as Jordan Sullen looks out there then we are in luck!
Added on edit: Read about Zach Morgan here. Perfect timing!

3. Can Orleans Darkwa stay healthy? There is some debate out there among fans about who is the best RB or are they even good enough. Well before the 2012 season if there was one position on this team the coaches felt great about it was running back. They felt they had at least 3 guys that could be potential starters for lots of programs in the country and this staff knows that Orleans Darkwa has "it". He may not be flashy, overly powerful or the fastest guy out there but he just seems to have "it" when he is healthy and has the blocking. The staff may me more diplomatic publicly but they know and the veteran players know how valuable Darkwa is to this team. I was able to see up close and personal the practices, games and careers of Mewelde Moore and Matt Forte and Darkwa is every bit as good as those guys in terms of skill. Orleans is good, he is really good but he must stay healthy (to go along with an improved OL). This is even more important with Robert Kelley out this Spring due to academic issues and RS FR Lazedrick Thompson still proving he is 100% back from knee surgery to provide depth at the position behind Dante' Butler.

4. Matt Marfisi. Matt Marfisi. Matt Marfisi. This is a guy that the previous staff thought was an NFL caliber TE in terms of athletic ability and play making ability. He even had scouts asking about him during his RS FR year at a practice because he looked so good in practice. I thought last year he would emerge as a star in this offense but too many drops (by the collective group & him) put a squash to all of that. The staff just about gave up on them in the end. At practices you could hear Coach David Johnson yelling to them "catch the ball, make a play, force them (CJ & E Price) to call plays for you" trying to motivate that group to be more consistent. I am almost as frustrated with Marfisi as I am with the OL and it is not getting any better with him missing most of Spring so far with some (not severe) injury.

5. There were a couple ways I could have gone here but in the end I have to go with my kiss of death - one of my football man-crush players - WR Devon Breaux. The last couple guys I thought had the potential to be absolute studs have not lived up to expectations. I feel more confident in this one because the coaches I have spoken to feel the same way and it was confirmed at practices in the Fall when the defensive coaches were heard saying "who the hell is that guy?" and "he plays for us, - wow" as he made spectacular play after play working on the scout team. I have no doubt our rookie CBs got better last year by competing against this guy in practice. The crazy thing about Devon Breaux is this - he is still raw as can be. He was a QB in high school and is still learning the position of WR in terms of route running, getting out of breaks and how to use your hands/body to create the space you need. All that said, you could not help but to notice him if you were able to attend multiple practices last Fall. Breaux has four years remaining and right now today I would bank on him becoming a very good all conference type of player when all is said and done. After Ryan Grant we have an assortment of emerging WRs but nobody that has cemented their spot, leaving an opening for Breaux (or anyone) to take advantage of that opportunity. To cheat again, it is taking all my power not to list Kedrick Banks here also - ooops, I just did :-)

Stay tuned for defensive returners, offense/defense new comers & lagniappe.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday: 02/23/13, 5:50pm

Official release with post practice interview here:

Tulane had a prize packed group of visitors at practice this morning. I am working on a list of names but I can confirm that Destrehan QB Donovan Isom was there. He camped with Tulane as a Soph going into Junior year and was outstanding. Shaw QB Quentin Gibson was also at that camp and I would shocked if both QBs do not end up with an assortment of college options. Those two QBs are widely considered two of the best in Louisiana for 2014 at their position.

A couple of local studs from St. Aug were there also. CB Jermaine Roberts  OL Joseph Paul were in attendance. Those two have about all the offers you could want already and are 4/5 star recruits. Pretty sure DTs Courtney Garnett and Marseth Andry were in attendance also from what I can gather.

As previously reported Bob Jones HS (Alabama) Nick Holman was also in town checking in on the Wave.

There were a handful of other 2014 prospects on hand that I am trying to work on getting names for.

Transfer DT Chris Davenport was seen walking around in a protective boot for his ankle but the injury was nothing severe at all. A source asked CJ about it and he said Davenport was fine, just a "minor tweak"

Remember folks, I am pretty sure that the official Spring Game has been moved to this upcoming Saturday, March 2 rather than on March 9. I think the thought process behind that is that the annual Tulane Athletics 5K event is in City Park that day along with a home track & field event in addition to the baseball team being on the road. On March 9 the baseball team will be at home so March 2 seemed to be the best overall date to have max involvement from the fans and staffing wise logistically. The next two Saturday practices will be held at City Park at 10am (weather permitting). CJ has said he will practice early in the Spring because you get it in and it allows two things: 1) It allows a  team that needs to get stronger to go 2 months longer without interruption of that program and it 2) allows guys to get in and learn the playbook and new things they will put in and then they have all Spring and Summer to watch film on it and then go out and practice it on their own in group settings. If you push Spring back you can't gets hands on to show the kids what it is you want so when they go out on their own and practice they have no idea what they should be working to improve as much. Early Spring gives them a ton of film to evaluate and  then go out and work on it on their own. Makes sense to me, especially the lifting part.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Spring Practice 02/16/13

I was able to catch some of practice on Saturday and just a few things I noticed. It was also the first day with shoulder pads on so there was some contact.

About 8-10 rookies were there watching and learning along with a handful of local high school coaches.

Rob Kelly (academics) and Dante Butler were not there. Later reported by a news source that he has an injury. Injured players there still watching, learning and doing rehab drills were Z Morgan, J Batiste, F Van Hooser, C Dejean, Z Davis, M Marfisi, A Bryant, D Robertson and a couple others. Some guys were in and out of practice depending upon the drill that was going on.

Chris Davenport is a large large individual in pads. Makes Warmsley and Welcome look like children.

WRs Devon Breaux and Kedrick Banks continue to impress the staff. They red-shirted last year but made names for themselves and gained respect from the players with the amazing catches and moves on the scout team. I don't know when it will happen but I stand by my word that Devon Breaux is going to someone very special at some point here. The kid just seems to have "it".

Jordan Sullen was at safety most of the day and boy oh boy does he look great and pissed off. He was flying around and popping the crap out of people. Something tells me he is going to be a major player for us this year.

With low numbers at corner for the Spring, Darion Monroe got work at both safety and corner but he played mostly safety during 7x7 and team sessions.

I think it was two or three years ago when Dominique Robertson hit the crap out of someone in a game and Tulane fans have been wanting more from him but he just can't stay healthy. He was in and out of practice but when he is in there he makes his presence felt. I think he has huge untapped potential and injuries are holding him back.

Another guy that makes me pull my hair out (of my chest because there is none on my head) is Renaldo Thomas. He was offered by the Uprivers twice and if you get to see practices you can see flashes of what they saw in him. I don't know what it is but it just seems like he is still maturing in terms of being 110% "in" and committed to being a college football player. When he wants to, he looks great out there. This guy has huge potential if he can focus on football and giving 100% to the game. I don't know him personally and I am not trying to bash him when I say that but that is the vibe I get from watching him. You can see him at practice and when he is engaged he is engaged and when he isn't - well you can tell. He can have a breakout year if he puts it all together.

Nick Montana looks to have a strong arm, accurate and way more athletic than Griffin or Powell.

This was the third day of practice and first day in pads and it reminded me a lot of last Spring early on when the offense was still trying to learn what they wanted to do. By the end of Spring Griffin had emerged as the leaded and really began to master the offense. Montana will have to be just as dedicated, if not more to be in the same place Griffin was last year. He has more tools and from what I could tell, he is learning quickly so that is good. Powell looks like he did last Fall before he was injured and although he is young, he has had time in the system so he needs to be making fewer mistakes out there. Last Fall there was rarely a time when the huddle broke that they offense had to stop and re-group because of a wrong formation or personnel while Grif was at QB. Saw that way too many times on Saturday but again, it was day three with a new QB and a RS Fr QB.

As Curtis Johnson has said, the defense is ahead of the offense at this point and it showed on Saturday. They were way more excited to be out there and they were flying around knocking people down left and right. They were very intense and you can tell with most of those guys returning as starters and heavy contributors they are highly confident in themselves right now. I really didn't notice anything special with the offensive line. I am looking forward to the end of Spring to see if those guys have improved or not this off-season. If they have not, I can honestly see 3-4 true frosh coming in and battling for starting spots or major playing time.

I asked Cairo Santos about the new snapper and he said "he is really good to be a HS kid". Santos did not kick well at all on Saturday but anyone that saw the last month of the Fall last year knows he missed just about everything in practice but still ended up perfect for the season. Santos is well aware of how Seth Marler won the Groza his Jr year and then had a hard time following that up his Sr season. He knows he will have to work extra hard since he is breaking in a new holder and snapper to go with the high pressure and expectations.

Added on edit 6:45pm 02/20/13

Oh yea, forgot to mention Warmsley was at DE in practice on Saturday

Breakdown of the 2013 signing class & off season moves.............so far

This is a breakdown of what I see as positives from this class and the players. This is about potential. These young men are in our family and have yet to show/prove what they will become in 4-5 years. In the beginning, everyone starts out with potential and that is what I will discuss here. Statistics (research done by a group of former players, nothing "official") show that if a staff hit on about 45% of the class, they will have had a successful class. 45% rate does not equal wins but what it is saying that you have done a great job recruiting if you can get 45% of your class to be quality contributing players. Caliber of player is a different argument and debate. So no matter what anyone feels the potential is or is not of these young men, the statistics say that you can expect less than 45% of them to be real impact players in your program. It is really eye opening to read that but think about your 85 man roster at any given time, how many true impact players do you really have at a given time? Roughly 20-25% of your class needs to be stars, another 20-25% need to be key contributors. Increase those impact players and regardless of the caliber you should see an increase in positive results.

Some of these guys I have more information on than others and that will dictate some of my opinion obviously so please keep that in mind.
I will simply state what I think their ultimate place will be based on one of three categories on the college football level:

Stars (7): potential to end up as the best player in the conference at their position, national recognition potential.
Impact (8): all conference type player, multiple years as a starter.
Contributor (9): starter for a year or two potential but more likely to be someone that for about 2-3 years gets significant reps as a rotation slash starter type player. Most teams are made up of contributors not stars or impact players so it is not meant to be a knock on a kid to be labeled a contributor.

QB: Tanner Lee (Star) is great prospect. The staff liked him early on, liked him after he camped at Tulane this summer & then fell in love with him during his senior year. Then they saw him play in the All-star game and it really hit the staff that they got a steal. Lee split time as a JR so this was his first full season as the QB and in all honesty has a ton of learning, growing to do. I feel this kid has tremendous upside. I know sometimes kids look at the "red shirt" word and think about it as a negative but in this case I think it would be a huge positive if Lee could RS. There was a rumor that Lee did receive an offer from a top 15 program during his senior year but that has not been confirmed by Lee. Personally, I think he has the potential to be a really good 2-3 year starting QB.

RB: Sherman Badie (Impact). No need to say much about this one. Pretty much said by anyone that knows anything that this guy could be one of the steals of this class. Recruiting services and local sports media tend to agree that Badie was overlooked and under-recruited. At 5'10 200-205lbs he ran a 4.38 this summer. A football player with elite sprinter speed on the track and it shows on film. Has the speed and physical build to be a game changing play maker. We know he is fast and he showed solid hands at the camp this summer, the only question is does he have the wiggles to go along with the speed? I think he has the potential to be an elite player for us.

OL: This class of Brandon Godfrey (Impact), Jason Stewart (Impact), Chris Taylor (Star) and Kenneth Santa Marina (Contributor) without question have the chance to be the best OL class in Tulane history and in CUSA/Big East. We have not had a class this dominant at their position in HS in a long time. KSM is the most known of this group by name but  Taylor and Stewart might be the two guys ready to make a more immediate impact on the interior line. Taylor appears to me to be the most physically ready, his HS film is the most impressive I have seen in a long time for a Tulane OL. Godfrey is the lean machine of the group and I tend to lean towards a red shirt for him only because he is smaller than the other guys. Where he lacks the size he makes up with technique, quickness and one of those guys that just "gets it" when it comes to blocking. I think he could potentially be a 4 year starter at center after a red shirt year to gain some size and strength. By rule here all of these guys will not become great players but I feel Godfrey is the first true center we have had here in awhile and Taylor is just a monster and plays very very physically. KSM is really a toss up for me. He is either going to be a star or a contributor. He is still learning the game more than the other three in my opinion. Physically KSM is the biggest but I also think physically he has the most room to grow, improve and get nasty. He dominated because of his size but does he have the nasty stuff inside to become the most dominant player in the conference at his position? Stewart is closer to Taylor in terms of ready for play. Those two guys have the big bodies, strength and nasty funk to contribute at the guard spots early on.

DL: After seeing DE Eldrick Washington (Contributor) in person the summer prior to his senior year he looked physically ready to play then but I just don't know enough about him to have a great feel about what to expect. Same goes Luke Jackson (Contributor)  that is projected to be a DE or a LB. The one thing I do know is he has the ability to do a variety of things for this team. The main praise I can give on Jackson is that this summer when Tulane landed like 4-6 recruits rapid fire, Luke was the kid that one coach would not stop talking about. Quinlan Carroll (Impact) is also someone that is projected as either DE or LB. Carroll is a tough, physical player that wants to get up close and personal. Eric Bell (Star) is projected as a DT along with Tanzel Smart (Contributor) and both were huge gets for the Wave. Bell totally dominated his competition this year and the coaches rave about him. Smart was essential to this class. The one true DT signed Smart should expect to contribute early and often. He was the #1 DT on the board for a very long time and we finally got him. I have not seen enough film on Smart to rank him higher but if he gets stronger he can easily jump up in this class. It is also harder for DTs to become stars because they live on a constant rotation in most systems. You have a shorter amount of time to make your presence felt. Rumors are that Georgia Tech attempted to come in late and steal Smart. Ade Aruna (Star) closes out this group and I can't say enough about him. I saw him in person at the Tulane camp and right then & there everyone (coaches and players) knew he was something special. He wowed to staff and fellow HS campers with his athletic ability. Having only played football for 2 years now after coming to the states from Nigeria, he is the poster boy for rawness. At 6-6, 230+ he moves with ease and his long arms give him even more range. Aruna went to 5 camps this summer and earned offers at all 5 camps. He also starts at PF for one of the top basketball schools in Indiana and recently shut-down one of the best players in the country. This staff says Ade Aruna is the next NY Giants Jason Pierre Paul and we are going to love this young man. We held off everyone that came in late to steal him.

LB: We start off here with Nico Marley (Contributor) and Eric Thomas (Impact). Undersized guys that I would say are safe bets to be near impact players for our program. These guys love to fly around and hit people. Period. In my opinion Tulane Football has lacked a toughness, a mean streak, a passion for hitting the _____ out of people & with a class I feel begins to address that issue, these two are at the top of the hill for me when it comes to that. Don't be surprised if Eric Thomas comes in and makes a name for himself early on. He was on a team with two other LBs that had more "prototype" size but when being evaluated man for man - Thomas was likely the best pure old school nasty LB on that team. If opposing teams don't get a body on him, expect running backs bounce it outside after he gets done with  them. I will say the same for WR's coming across the middle with Marley at the Nickle. Marley is only in the contributor section because I see him as more of a pure nickle guy rather than a true LB which means by nature his reps will be limited. If Marley somehow gets to the size and strength of Thomas while maintaining speed then the world better watch out. A late pickup for us was Sergio Medina (Contributor) . I know he didn't have the offers people want to see either but when you watch the film the kid can flat out play the game. He is much more put together (bigger) in person than I thought he would be and a guy with RB speed and LB instincts has potential. I think you will see his impact covering sideline to sideline.

DB: I will start here with William Townsend (Contributor) and Tristan Cooper (Contributor)  because honestly these are two that I have the least amount of info on. Townsend looks like someone with range on film and Cooper is intriguing because as a WR he has solid ball skills which we have lacked at the safety position. Jarrod Franklin (Contributor) is another guy that is raw. He is really just figuring out his football skill-set and the staff loves this guy. He flies around, makes plays and likes the physical part of the game. Might be someone that bulks up to play LB by his third year. Leonard Davis (Impact) is my sleeper at safety. I feel that the kid is a winner, a competitor and a someone that loves football. If he is not afraid of the physical nature at safety I think he has huge upside as an athlete back there. Now we get to my man crushes - Parry Nickerson (Star) and Richard Allen (Star) are my absolute can't miss guys in this class. Both have elite speed and both love the being on the island at corner. Allen will always get overlooked because of his height and it will continue here. I think Nickerson has the potential to be the best CB we have see around here in a very long time. He has the special combination of speed to play man, toughness to play safety, leaping ability to attack the ball and that something "special" once the ball is in his hands. I have not even touched on Nickerson as a returner where his skills are just as nasty. Nickerson will be a Star at corner and a Star on special teams. I could say all the same things about Richard Allen but inevitably it comes down to size. Allen has the strength and smarts to be one the best pure CBs we have seen here but will his size be his downfall?. He will likely be compared to one of the most electric players in recent memory at Tulane, former Carver standout Lynaris Elpheage who was roughly the same height and weight. I played with 'Page and I have seen Allen in camp and in person several times. Allen already has more physical build and strength than 'Page had by his junior and final season with the Wave. Allen has more pure speed than "page. Allen has been electric with returns in HS. The only two things in question right now are 1) does Allen have the same agility to make people miss, change direction and 2) does he just have "it". I think he does but time will tell. I think Richard Allen will be a Star on special teams and be an Impact player at corner. I have said it several times and I will say it again to make it official - if Richard Allen plays as a true FR he will score 2-3 TDs this year.I am also taking the over 10.5 for TDs in his career as a CB and return man.

Special Teams: Michael Lizanich (Impact) is regarded as one of the best snappers in the country out of HS. He is already on campus which is maybe one of the most important additions to the team. Groza Award winner Cairo Santos is breaking in a new snapper and a new holder this season so this Spring is really important for that group if Santos expects to come close to what he showed in 2012.

Transfers & Other: Going into this off season there were a few areas Tulane fans could almost all agree upon that we needed immediate help at.
Experienced QB - Check. Nick Montana (Impact). The guy has a solid arm and appears to be accurate. He is way more athletic and agile than people think, more than Griffin or Powell. It is still way too early to know what we see from him while he learns the offense but he was highly recruited out of HS and put up very good numbers at Mt. San Antonio JC.
Help along the front lines - Check. We did not get a transfer on the OL but we signed what I think could be the best OL class in our history. I cannot think of another class that comes close to potentially being this good. At DT we brought in Chris Davenport (Star) and added an assortment of players that have the frames to become standout DE/DTs. Coming out of HS in 2009 Davenport was regarded as one of the Top 50 players in the entire country at DT. In college he was moved to OL but now he is back and he is pissed. Those of you that have seen Julius Warmsley, Kenny Welcome or Corey Redwine in person think those guys are big, Davenport makes those guys look like his little brothers. If he comes in and simply plays at the level Warmsley does he would have an immediate impact but with his size it could become so much more.  He is so big he would demand a double team which would free up others to get to the QB or make tackles. His positive impact could be game changing for the defense. I think people are underestimating the importance of having Jordan Sullen and Zach Morgan back. Those are two players that were starters before they left. Even if they come in and contribute but don't start it would gives us some quality depth and allow the program to hopefully red-shirt a couple players that could use the time to develop. Sullen looks like a man possessed out there right now and I have a really really good feeling about what he will bring to the table next season.

I will say this and you can get mad all you want about not getting all the details but here you go anyways - at the signing day party Curtis Johnson said "we are not done yet" and I would bet that come this Summer/Fall camp we see some immediately eligible additions to the roster that will further change the face of this team and program. You can have good starters all you want but really good teams have the depth to withstand injury, fatigue or losses for whatever reasons. Curtis Johnson is doing whatever he can to improve that depth so we can be a 4 quarters for 14-15 games type of program. I think we add at least a contributor and an Impact player here before August.

Recruiting Grade: B-
Overall Off-season Grade: A-
I give this staff a B- grade for recruiting this year because I feel we needed more quality help at DL, LB and another solid QB prospect. We did land solid players at DL and LB but I wanted to see more. I also think outside of QB that the OL was the biggest concern we had and although they are all true FR I think the staff landed an A group for the OL. This off season, come August, this staff will have earned  an A- grade overall for the off season. When you look at a list of 3-5 things you wanted to see addressed this off season I think all fans will find come August when the new official roster comes out we will have addressed most, if not all of those needs. I am talking about things you can control by addition and subtraction when I talk about addressing issues. The one other thing you would like to see added is more experience for the QB and OL group but that is just something that only comes with time but they did about as good as they could which is pretty damn good in my eyes.

Each person may feel players fall into different categories but that is what is great about opinions, "to each, their own". I am a glass half full type of dude and these guys are just kids that all still have the potential to be key contributors to our program so I will only list them in these categories. I am not in the business of labeling these members of my Tulane Family as "bust" or not in terms of football. I can go down a list of guys that hardly ever contributed on the field as a player but having them as a member of our family helped make everyone else around them better because of who they were as a person that set an example for others.

Only time will tell what they path they choose to take and what they will ultimately become as football players and as men. The best thing about all this is that what I think really means nothing at all - each of them will make their own choices on what they will become and I hope they all become great!

Friday, February 15, 2013

2013 Spring Practice


See below for updated videos, articles and other links added to this post

2013 Spring Football Dates
13Wednesday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
15Friday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
16Saturday10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
18Monday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
20Wednesday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
22Friday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
23Saturday10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
25Monday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
27Wednesday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
1Friday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
2Saturday10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Tad Gormley Stadium/Open) SPRING GAME
4Monday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
6Wednesday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
8Friday8 a.m. to 10 a.m. (Saints Practice Facility/Closed)
9Saturday10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Tad Gormley Stadium/Open)

Day One: http://www.tulanegreenwave.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/021313aaa.html
  1. Curtis Johnson: 
  2. Julius Warmsley: 
  3. Nick Montana: 
  4. http://www.nola.com/tulane/index.ssf/2013/02/tulane_quarterback_battle_begi.html#incart_river
Day Two:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Mardi Gras

Updates to come in the next couple days now that Mardi Gras is coming to an end.

I will also give my thoughts on this class & the additions of the off season.......... so far *wink*

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A collection of links on 2013 Tulane football commits

5 Tulane signees that will have an immediate impact 

Ade Aruna is one of the most athletic and rawest additions to Tulane's 2013 signing class


Tulane football coach Curtis Johnson secures 'miracle' recruiting class on Signing Day 2013

Offensive lineman Jason Stewart heads list of Easton signees

Belle Chasse linebacking duo Quinlan Carroll and Terrell Encalade sign letters of intent

East St. John's Leonard Davis signs with Tulane, reflects on hurricane

3. Tulane did well to get what it did. Green Wave fans can't help but be dejected by some of the late defections from their class (namely O.P. Walker stars Lyn Clark and Corey Smith, who went with Louisville and Arizona State instead), but adding players like Nick Montana, Sherman Badie, Kenneth Santa Marina and Tanner Lee still represents a step forward for this program.
The idea is to get better. Tulane got better.

St. Charles Catholic's Luke Jackson signs with Tulane

D'Aquin Winthrow, Parry Nickerson, Draper Riley sign letters of intent at West Jefferson

LSU-bound Duke Riley, four Tulane signees highlight Curtis signing day festivities

West St. John's Eric Bell fulfills dream, signs with Tulane

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

18 Locals Among 24 Newcomers Highlight Football's Signing Class


NEW ORLEANS - When Green Wave head football coach Curtis Johnson was hired last January, he announced during his introductory press conference that he would establish "The State of Tulane" when it came to recruiting. That statement proved to be prophetic with his second signing class as Tulane inked 18 local products among the 24 student-athletes joining the program for the 2013 season.
In addition to quarterback Nick Montana (San Francisco, Calif./Mt. San Antonio College), defensive lineman Chris Davenport (Mansfield, La./LSU) and deep snapper Michael Lizanich (Scottsdale, Ariz./Pinnacle HS) - who are already enrolled for the spring semester - Tulane signed six offensive players (4 linemen, 1 quarterback, 1 running back) and 16 defensive players (7 linemen, 4 defensive backs, 3 cornerbacks, 2 linebackers) to National Letters of Intent during on the NCAA's National Signing Day.
"This is a special class, a dream class for us," Johnson said. "This class is very impressive with the skill, the speed and the size as a whole. We really focused on the defensive side this year and increasing our numbers on that side of the ball. We've added some big defensive lineman, some talented linebackers and added several standout players in the secondary.
"It was our goal to fill our immediate needs with this class and we were able to accomplish this. If you look at any position on the team we had needs and these newcomers not only filled many of these needs, but they bring an impressive amount of athleticism to our program."
Headlining the list of signees is a quartet from the 2012 prep national championship team of John Curtis Christian High in nearby River Ridge - cornerback Richard Allen, running back Sherman Badie, center Brandon Godfrey and linebacker Eric Thomas. In addition, Tulane signed local defensive ends Quinlan Carroll (Belle Chasse, La./Belle Chasse HS) and Luke Jackson (LaPlace, La./St. Charles Catholic HS), defensive tackles Eric Bell (Harvey, La./West St. John HS), Tanzel Smart (Baton Rouge, La./Scotlandville Magnet HS) and Eldrick Washington (Harvey, La./Helen Cox HS), cornerbacks Jarrod Franklin (Baton Rouge, La./University Lab) and Parry Nickerson (Terrytown, La./West Jefferson HS), defensive backs Leonard Davis (Laplace, La./East St. John HS) and Sergio Medina (Boutte, La./Hahnville HS), offensive guards Jason stewart (New Orleans, La./Warren Easton HS) and Chris Taylor (Baker, La./Zachary HS), offensive tackle Kenneth Santa Marina (New Orleans, La./McDonogh 35 HS) and quarterback Tanner Lee (Destrehan, La./Jesuit HS).
The Green Wave also added safety Tristan Cooper (Tampa, Fla./Plant HS) - who played as a junior at University Lab in Baton Rouge - along with defensive end Ade Aruna (La Porte, Ind./La Lumiere School), linebacker Nico Marley (Weston, Fla./Cypress Bay HS) and cornerback William Townsend (Miami, Fla./Norland HS).
Among the 24 newcomers feature are a pair of five-star recruits (Davenport as a prepster at Mansfield High in 2009 and Lizanich) and two four-star prospects (Montana as a prepster at Oaks Christian in 2010) and Taylor. Allen, Aruna, Badie, Carroll, Davis, Godfrey, Lee, Marley, Nickerson, Santa Marina, Smart, Stewart and Washington are all three-star prospects while Bell, Cooper, Franklin, Jackson, Medina, Thomas and Townsend earned two-star status.
Of Tulane's freshmen signees, 12 rank among the Top-100 at their respective positions by national recruiting services: Lizanich (2 by ESPN.com, 5 by Scout.com, 7 by ChrisSailerKicking.com, 14 by 247Sports.com), Taylor (8 by ESPN.com, 38 by Rivals.com, 73 by 247Sports.com), Badie (17 by 247Sports.com), Santa Marina (23 by Scout.com, 30 by 247Sports.com, 34 by Rivals.com, 52 by ESPN.com), Godfrey (32 by Scout.com), Washington (47 by 247Sports.com), Aruna (48 by 247Sports.com), Lee (55 by 247Sports.com, 83 by ESPN.com), Thomas (69 by Scout.com), Bell (70 by 247Sports.com), Smart (81 by 247Sports.com) and Marley (82 by 247Sports.com, 167 by ESPN.com and Scout.com).
Nine other rank between 100-200 for their play: Davis (100 by 247Sports.com, 170 by Scout.com), Stewart (104 by ESPN.com, 108 by 247Sports.com, 124 by Scout.com), Nickerson (114 by 247Sports.com), Allen (116 by ESPN.com, 132 by 247Sports.com), Franklin (128 by 247Sports.com, 172 by Scout.com), Jackson (133 by ESPN.com, 156 by 247Sports.com), Carroll (138 by ESPN.com, 181 by 247Sports.com), Medina (143 by 247Sports.com) and Cooper (149 athlete by 247Sports.com).
"This is class is an all hands on deck group and I can see anywhere from 18-20 players playing in some capacity. Each player is big, strong, fast and physical and I've said this before and I will be saying it next year, this is not a redshirt program. I can see many of these kids playing right away for us."
Season ticket packages will be available for purchase and renewal by calling the Tulane Team Shop Ticket Office at 504-861-WAVE (9283) or visit www.TulaneGreenWave.com. Fans will also be receiving information in the mail on the renewal process in the coming weeks. All 2013 Tulane Football season ticket holders in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome will have priority access to purchase season tickets in the Yulman Stadium (those with a history of supporting both TAF and buying season tickets will receive enhanced priority).
Further information on the new football stadium, ticket packages, parking and tailgating will be released later this spring. For the most up to date information, please visit www.TulaneStadium.com.

2013 Tulane Football Signing Class
NamePos.Ht.Wt.Cl.Hometown/High School/Previous School
Richard AllenCB5-9167Fr.Metairie, La./John Curtis Christian HS
Ade ArunaDE6-6230Fr.La Porte, Ind./La Lumiere School
Sherman BadieRB5-10190Fr.Metairie, La./John Curtis Christian HS
Eric BellDT6-2245Fr.Harvey, La./West St. John HS
Quinlan CarrollDE6-1216Fr.Belle Chasse, La./Belle Chasse HS
Tristan CooperDB6-0175Fr.Tampa, La./Plant HS
Chris DavenportDT6-5330Grad.Mansfield, La./Mansfield HS/LSU
Leonard DavisDB6-0186Fr.Laplace, La./East St. John HS
Jarrod FranklinCB5-11194Fr.Baton Rouge, La./University Lab
Brandon GodfreyC6-4255Fr.Kenner, La./John Curtis Christian HS
Luke JacksonDE6-2210Fr.Laplace, La./St. Charles Catholic HS
Tanner LeeQB6-4192Fr.Destrehan, La./Jesuit HS
Michael LizanichDS6-0220Fr.Scottsdale, Ariz./Pinnacle HS
Nico MarleyLB5-8180Fr.Weston, Fla./Cypress Bay HS
Sergio MedinaDB6-0210Fr.Boutte, La./Hahnville HS
Nick MontanaQB6-3200Jr.San Francisco, Calif./Oaks Christian HS/Mt. San Antonio College
Kenneth Santa MarinaOT6-5320Fr.New Orleans, La./McDonogh 35 HS
Parry NickersonCB5-11170Fr.Terrytown, La./West Jefferson HS
Tanzel SmartDT6-2290Fr.Baton Rouge, La./Scotlandville Magnet HS
Jason stewartOG6-4315Fr.New Orleans, La./Warren Easton HS
Chris TaylorOG6-1315Fr.Baker, La./Zachary HS
Eric ThomasLB5-9225Fr.Meraux, La./John Curtis Christian HS
William TownsendCB6-0190Fr.Miami, Fla./Norlands HS
Eldrick WashingtonDT6-1240Fr.Harvey, La./Helen Cox HS

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

February 5, 2013

Franklin, Smart & Taylor optimistic about Tulane


John Curtis LB Eric Thomas brings physical play to Tulane


Jesuit QB Tanner Lee never wavered on Tulane


McDonogh 35's Kenneth Santa Marina has come long way, but continues career nearby at Tulane


Former QB Ryan Griffin named MVP of the Texas vs. The Nation All-Star Game


2013 Tulane Football schedule released


Game times, televised contests and the 2013 homecoming opponent will be announced at a later date.

2013 Tulane Green Wave Football Schedule
Date    Opponent          Site                         Time
Aug. 31    Jackson State  Mercedes-Benz Superdome TBA
Sept. 7    South Alabama  Mercedes-Benz Superdome TBA
Sept. 14   at Louisiana Tech*  Ruston, La.                 TBA
Sept. 21   at Syracuse          Syracuse, N.Y.                 TBA
Sept. 28   at UL-Monroe          Monroe, La.                 TBA
Oct. 5    North Texas*          Mercedes-Benz Superdome TBA
Oct. 12    East Carolina*  Mercedes-Benz Superdome TBA
Oct. 19    Bye
Oct. 26    Tulsa*          Mercedes-Benz Superdome TBA
Nov. 2    at Florida Atlantic*  Boca Raton, Fla.         TBA
Nov. 9    at Texas-San Antonio* San Antonio, Texas         TBA
Nov. 16    Bye
Nov. 23    UTEP*          Mercedes-Benz Superdome TBA
Nov. 30    at Rice*          Houston, Texas                 TBA
*Conference USA game

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tristan Cooper commits to Tulane today

Here is his profile.

I will add information to this post and the previous 2013 commit post below later on. Please review the 2013 verbal commit post for all the information about our commitments to date.



Tulane Football Adds Three Players to 2013 Spring Roster

http://www.tulanegreenwave.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/020413aaa.html - read more here

"Feb. 4, 2013New Orleans - Tulane University head football coach Curtis Johnson today announced the additions of three players to the Green Wave's 2013 spring roster, including defensive tackle Chris Davenport, deep snapper Michael Lizanich and cornerback Jordan Sullen, a familiar face to TU fans, returns to the squad. 
The trio joins another mid-year transfer, quarterback Nick Montana, and each player is enrolled and eligible to play immediately."

The latest on Edward Williams of Warren Easton

My opinion - we get Edward Williams. No idea about the Carver RB Eugene Brazley at this point.

I mean no disrespect to any player when I say this but more important than getting those two would be hanging on to DE Ade Aruna. From what I gather this staff really wants to keep that young man. He has major upside potential to be one of the best we have ever had on the defensive side of the ball.

 "Linebacker Edward Williams of Warren Easton has officially backed out of his commitment to Texas A&M, where the Aggies were considering grayshirting him. Now, he is considering playing college football closer to home. 
The 6-foot-3, 230-pound Williams visited Tulane this past weekend after visiting Louisiana Tech, Oregon State and Texas Tech. Warren Easton head coach Tony Hull says all four are still prime considerations for Williams, adding that Williams' visit went very well to Tulane. 
"It went really well," Hull said. "Tulane is a very strong possibility. He may decide prior to signing day. We have a goal of the next day or so but we are not sure. He visited Louisiana Tech, Oregon State and Texas Tech as well and all were good visits. He and Jason Stewart are good friends and Jason is pushing Tulane on him." 
A gifted offensive lineman, Stewart committed to Tulane back on April 30. Curtis Johnson is trying very hard with Williams while new Louisiana Tech assistant Jabbar Juluke is pressing hard for Williams to join the Bulldogs. 
Easton is expected to sign five players on Wednesday, including defensive back A.J. Battiste and linebacker Ronald Riley with Blufton University (Ohio), along with Stewart and Williams and perhaps one other."

Tulane to Host Annual Football Signing Day Party

Tulane to Host Annual Football Signing Day Party at the Lavin-Bernick Center on Feb. 6

Jan. 30, 2013 
Signing Day War Room 
Watch Tulane's Signing Day Press Conference Live 

NEW ORLEANS - The Tulane University Department of Intercollegiate Athletics will host its annual National Signing Day Party on the Tulane campus at City Diner, located inside the Der Rathskeller in the basement of the Lavin-Bernick Center, on Wednesday, Feb. 6, as the Green Wave football program announces its 2013 signing class.
Doors will open at 5 p.m. and the program will conclude at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, and fans are asked to park in the Loyola Parking Garage. Upon completion of the signing day event, fans are encouraged to walk next door to the Devlin Fieldhouse and attend the men's basketball game against Marshall at 7 p.m. For donors of the Tulane Athletic Fund, the Coach's Corner will open at tip-off.
City Diner, located in the Der Rathskeller, is hosting this year's event and will offer free food and drinks, a cash bar and highlight video clips of the 2013 class will be shown throughout the restaurant.
Tulane head football coach Curtis Johnson and his staff will be on hand to discuss the newest members to the
TU football team. Fans will have the opportunity to interact with each coach and gain first-hand information on each of the Green Wave's signees.
During the day, Tulane fans can follow the entire signing day process online at www.TulaneGreenWave.com. Tulane Athletics will feature a "War Room" blog highlighting National Letter-of-Intent received from each of the Green Wave's signees, updates from the coaches and a slideshow of action photos and video and biographical information on each signee. Fans can watch Coach Johnson's press conference announcing the program's latest signing class live at 2 p.m. The press conference will be streamed online free of charge.
Tulane will also be live on the Green Wave Social Network with continuous updates on Twitter @GreenWaveFB and on Facebook at Tulane Football.
The "Sports Hangover with Gus Kattengell" will broadcast live from the Wilson Center from 3-6 p.m. The show, which airs on Tulane's official flagship station, WMTI-FM 106.1 `The Ticket,' will feature updates and interviews from members of the Tulane football coaching staff and team.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

3 days remain until National Signing Day for Tulane

Signing day 2013 is just three days away and The Wave look to hold onto the commits they have right now while adding 2-3 more targets.

Wave fans are holding their breath waiting to see if the raw (only 2 years of football) phenom Ade Aruna decides to stick with The Wave or bolt for NC State or Rutgers. Aruna has burst onto the scene and is getting a lot of late attention. He is an extremely athletic and explosive talent that is a two-sport star in both basketball and football.
DE - Ade Aruna - http://247sports.com/Player/Ade-Aruna-13452

In addition to holding onto Aruna, The Wave are looking to add 1-2 or 3 from this group below.

DB/WR/ATH - Tristan Cooper - http://247sports.com/Player/Tristan-Cooper-16897?pi=33337
LB/DE - Edward Williams - http://247sports.com/Player/Edward-Williams-21902?pi=34651
RB - Eugene Brazley - http://247sports.com/Player/Eugene-Brazley-16934?pi=27931

Very long shots at this point would be to add any of the three below but with three days remaining, crazier things have happened.

LB - Duke Riley - http://247sports.com/Player/Duke-Riley-15423?pi=2556
LB - Lyn Clark - http://247sports.com/Player/Lyn-Clark-16948?pi=27945
DE/DT - Corey Smith - http://247sports.com/Player/Corey-Smith-20635?pi=32981