Tuesday, August 19, 2014


A buddy of our started a predictions topic and since we were too busy to do our own so far, we are game on this one.
Okay Long Green, We will play along!

We will make this qualifier, who will end up being the MVP is very different from who should be or needs to be the MVP in order for the team to be successful.

Offensive MVP: Better be the offensive tackles, right?
Defensive MVP: With the youth at LB, it has to be the old man - true soph Nico Marley.
Breakout Player Offense: Needs to be Tanner Lee.
Breakout Player Defense: Tyler Gilbert. Just can't fathom him not having an incredible year.
Best Incoming Freshman (non-red shirt) Offense: Teddy Veal
Best Incoming Freshman (non-red shirt) Defense: RaeJuan Marbley
Prediction (good): The starting defense plays damn near as good as last years defense did for most of the season.
Prediction (bad): I agree with Long Green, this staff has stayed mostly intact so far but these defensive coaches are only going to turn so many jobs before sooner or later someone jumps.
Prediction (bad): I said this before last years breakout season, Lorenzo Doss leaves for the NFL after his JR year. Only way this turns good is if we make a bowl game and this happens making it two winning seasons in a row and for us - a crap load of kids getting in the NFL paired with the new conference, new stadium and new money all hopefully equals a major boost in recruiting. That all said, nothing would be better than Doss and Monroe leading this team as seniors in what I think will be the best Tulane football season in a long time in 2015.
Prediction (good): The stadium. The American. ESPN. There are a wide range of opinions out there about it but one thing that should be undeniable is the positive financial impact the stadium will have on all of Tulane Athletics. Most importantly the stadium along with the new conference should continue to provide increased money to the football program and soon provide them with other much needed new amenities such as a up-to-date state of the art locker room, weight room, training room, academic center and meeting rooms. We are in full support of the money helping all of athletics but let us not be ignorant of the facts that football (college football) is big business and taking care of football, winning in football in the most important on the field factor for a flourishing department.

Wins & losses - TBD

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