Sunday, August 17, 2014

What do you think the chances of him coming to Tulane? Any info as to why he left Louisville?

Brian sent us this question.

Chances of him coming to Tulane after the way everything was handled just prior to signing day last year and him going to Louisville.... slim to none. By stating slim it means there is a tiny window but we would not count on it happening. Tulane has a lot of young talent and depth a year later at the same positions Clark would be coming in for after sitting out a year and more importantly this year we have a much lower number of scholarships available and they are at a premium. We just don't see it happening right now however if Clark decides to wait it out this season and see what options he has in January or May instead of enrolling right away somewhere we may just have something available for him. Like the quote from the movie Angels In The Outfield - "It could happen"

No idea what went down at Louisville. We wish Lyn Clark the very best moving forward.

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